Pretzel is now a “fat binary”, i.e. it will run native on Power Macintosh computers. Also, there are some changes to the configuration dialog - these are mainly cosmetic but there are a couple of improvements:
• Baud rate is now on a popup menu and baud rates from 300 baud to 38400 baud are now supported.
• An additional popup menu allows selection of either modem or printer port.
••• Pretzel 3.0b2 (26th April 1995) •••
This version is much the same as 3.0b1, execpt that it has been rebuilt with the latest MPW Pascal compiler and interfaces. The Swedish version, ScandaPretzel, has now also been released as CharityWare via Pronoma Systems AB.
••• Pretzel 3.0b1 (14th March 1994) •••
This new version of Pretzel is pretty much the same as the earlier 2.0 releases, except that it now supports colour. It should be usable and stable but it has a couple of minor problems:
• There is a minor cosmetic problem with colour on some screens
• Printing is not working too brilliantly, particularly with graphics characters
These problems will hopefully be fixed in a future release.
••• Pretzel 2.0b7 (18th March 1993) •••
This is a beta version of Pretzel, a simple Prestel terminal emulator. Existing users of the old Pretzel DA will notice that Pretzel has now become an application, and that it also has lots of news features. I haven't had time to rewrite the manual yet, but hopefully most things will be pretty much self-explanatory.
A few notes:
• You no longer need to use ResEdit to change dial strings etc (yay!). All configuration is now done through a dialog.
• The Pretzel FONTs are now optional - you only need to install them if you want to print Prestel graphics from another application.
• Dial strings and other configuration stuff is now stored in a Preferences file in your System Folder, so you don't have to worry about giving away modified your Prestel ID etc when you pass on a copy of Pretzel to a friend.
• You can now copy a screen as either graphics (like the old DA version) or as plain text (with all non ASCII characters stripped out). You can also save the current screen to a file as either graphics or text.
• Printing is now supported, but has not been thoroughly tested. NB: There may be problems using background printing or spooling if you don't install the Pretzel FONTs.
• Pretzel is now “System 7.0 savvy” to some extent. If there is any demand, I may even add a suite of Apple Events to allow users to do scripting (so you can do snazzy things like grabbing live data from Prestel periodically and pasting it into Excel, for example).
IMPORTANT: Pretzel is “CharityWare” - as with earlier versions of the Pretzel DA, if you use Pretzel then please make a suitable donation to OXFAM or your favourite charity (say £10, or more if you can afford it). If you send me a photocopy of the receipt then I will register you as a user of Pretzel and try to keep you informed of updates etc. Also, you will feel good for having done the Right Thing. ;-)
274 Banbury Road
If you have any problems, questions, bug reports, etc then please contact me at any of the following: